81 &Ok 82 The destination directory already contain the file '%s' 203 Invalid comment header 204 Bad Header 205 Unable to open %s 206 Unable to read the file 207 Binary file ! 208 %s CRC error! 209 File %s is password encrypted 210 %s \n%s Found %5d error(s)! 211 Header CRC error! 212 Out of memory 213 %s is not an ARJ archive 214 Unsupported method: %d, file %s skipped 215 Unsupported file type: %d, file %s skipped 216 Unsupported version: %d, file %s skipped 217 Bad Huffman code 218 File %s already exist !! 219 Choose a folder to extract file(s) 220 Would-you like install ArjFolder now ? 221 Could not create output file %s in the destination disk.\nCheck if the destination disk is not lock. 222 Unable to continue to extract the file.\nCheck if the destination disk is not full.